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Vitamins |  Debjani M Arora
Biotin - the magical vitamin portion for hair growth
November 17, 2021

The reasons for hair loss could be varied. Sometimes, your diet could also be the culprit. But minor changes in your diet can prevent further hair fall and help in hair regrowth. Read on to find out how.  

Thinning hair, bald patches, clumps of hair on your comb, bathroom drain clogged with hair - most of us have faced one of these situations and helplessly stood there losing the “battle of hair.” Why are we being so dramatic about the situation? Well, it is no less than a battle when you are trying hard to restore the fall of your crowning glory. 


While shedding a certain amount of hair every day is typical, it can be problematic and distressing if you lose excessive amounts of hair daily. This hair loss anxiety is difficult to deal with, and it affects our mental peace too and sleep, too (no, we aren’t exaggerating). 


The reasons for hair fall could be many - genetic, medical, lifestyle-related. While the medical and genetic conditions might need expert intervention, in other cases diet modifications can help to prevent hair fall. Many times, excessive hair fall results from a lack of essential nutrients in the diet that support hair growth and keep the follicles strong. One such vital nutrient is - Biotin. 


It, a type of vitamin, found in certain foods and can do wonders to address many of your hair problems. It is the same vitamin used in cosmetic treatments for hair fall. But why spend on treatments when tweaking your diet can help. 


What is biotin? How does it help in hair growth and restoration? 


Biotin is a water-soluble essential B vitamin. Since biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, our body cannot store it. You need to have your fill through foods that are rich in biotin. 


This vitamin is responsible for keeping the skin, hair and nails healthy. Lack of biotin can affect their growth and cause premature ageing of the skin, hair fall and decaying of nails. But biotin doesn’t directly affect the growth of your hair or make your skin and nails healthy. It helps in protein synthesis that in turn boosts hair growth. This also helps to keep the skin and nails healthy.     


Proteins are the building blocks of your skin, hair and nails. Keratin is also a type of protein that helps in hair growth. Studies have suggested that intake of biotin can help improve the keratin build-up in your body and prevent further hair fall. It also helps to make the hair follicles strong and promote hair growth. 


So, if you are looking for a solution for your hair fall problems, you got the answer - include foods rich in biotin in your diet. Wondering which foods are a good source of this vitamin? Here goes the list: 


  1. Liver and other animal organs: This is good news for meat lovers. To stop that bald patch from spreading, dig into organ meat like liver and kidney. They are an excellent source of biotin. 


  1. Egg yolk: But always remember to cook the egg well before you eat. Raw eggs can be harmful. It can lead to a gut infection and make it difficult for the body to absorb biotin. Boiled, scrambled, egg curry are good options. 


  1. Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, pistachios, pecans are all excellent sources of biotin. Just munching on a handful can save you from spending thousands on cosmetic treatments. Load up on flaxseeds, garden cress seeds and white sesame seeds to get a fair share of the vitamin from them. 



Portion size

Portion Grammage

Biotin (Vit B7) (mcg)


3 No.



Pistachio Nuts

1 Tbsp




1 Tsp



Garden Cress, Seeds

1 Tsp



Sesame Seeds, White

1 Tsp




Try a sugar free dry fruit ladoo to get your dose of biotin:


  1. Fish: Did you try salmon yet? If not, try having this fish for the sake of your hair. It is a good source of biotin and is good for your skin too.  
  2. Dairy: Dairy products - milk (cow and buffalo milk), paneer, khoa - have good amounts of biotin in them. So, including dairy in your diet could be beneficial for your hair health.  


Milk & Milk Products

Biotin (Vit B7) (mcg) / 100 gm





Milk, Buffalo


Milk, Cow


Try these recipes to get biotin from dairy - 

Masala Milk With Turmeric And Honey


Khoa Chocolate Barfi


Fruits: The best sources are - ripe jackfruit, papaya, orange, lichi and fig - try to include one of these in your daily diet to ensure you get back your crowning glory. 



Biotin (Vit B7) (mcg) / 100 gm

Jackfruit, Ripe


Papaya, Ripe


Orange, Pulp







  1. Vegetables: Some leafy green vegetables are also a rich source of Biotin. Your best bet are - knol-knol leaves, parsley, colocasia leaves, parwar, agathi leaves. 



Biotin (Vit B7) (mcg) / 100 gm

Knol-Khol, Leaves




Colocasia Leaves, Green




Agathi Leaves


Try this yum recipe - Colocasia Leaves Roll

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